Friday, February 24, 2012

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


For variety, I've been adding chia seed to my green smoothies lately. It's been a very interesting learning experience. I thought I'd share a few things about the chia seed with you:

Here's a little info I found from the Green Smoothie Girl.

"Chia seed has 7 times as much iron as spinach.  At 18%, it has more protein than beef, and its amino acids comprise a complete protein.  It slows conversion of sugars in the bloodstream, so it’s great to eat with a high-sugar meal.  (I mean like potatoes or fruit–hopefully y’all have abandoned or are at least minimizing refined sugars.)

Its mucilaginous properties mean it absorbs toxins, and it’s fantastic for weight loss.  I don’t like to eat after dinner, so if my dinner was light and I get really hungry later, what I do is eat a large spoonful of chia seed and chase it with a big glass of water.  It absorbs 10 times its own weight in fluids, so it fills you up when you are hungry with hardly any calories.

It tastes mild –- like nothing, really.  You can sprinkle it in cereal, or put it in a smoothie–but it will dramatically thicken your smoothie.  For that matter, it’s a great thickener!  Put 1 tsp. chia seed in 3 Tbsp. water, and you’ve got yourself an egg replacement.

It’s packed with those rare Omega fatty acids that your body cannot manufacture and must receive from foods–in perfect proportions.  And it stores for a very long time! I highly recommend it."

Pesky Warts!

I've had a little but pesky wart growing in the middle of my forehead for about a year. I was going to have it burned off at the dermatologist but I decided to try an herbal expert first. She told me about a little bottle in her store that other customers had used for wart removal. She didn't know much about it, but told me it had helped a little boy whose hands were covered in warts. I tried it ... and it worked! I have absolutely NO SIGN of the wart .. perfect, pink skin in about two weeks. I don't know a ton about this compound but I thought I'd put it on my blog anyway. My daughter is using the herb now to get rid of some warts forming on her feet. She's a dancer and it's been painful for her. I'll let you know if it works for her too.

It's called 

Here's some general info but you can google to find out more:
L-methionine is an essential sulfur-containing amino acid that is soluble in water. It is a powerful antioxidant, assists in the breakdown of fats, and helps inactivate free radicals. It is an essential amino acid ... read more

High levels of methionine can be found in sesame seeds, brazil nuts, fish, meats, and some other plant seeds. Most fruits and vegetables contain very little of it; however, some have significant amounts, such as spinach, potatoes, and boiled corn. Most legumes, though high in protein, are also low in methionine... read more

I did find one warning. Improper conversion of methionine can lead to atherosclerosis; a condition of the heart. So keep that in mind.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Kangen Water

I've been drinking Kangen Water for about a year now. I think its one of the greatest things you can do for your body. You'll have to do a little research to find it in your area. Some health food stores have it. Hydrotherapists often carry it. Independent owners can be found as well as it gets more popular. You can even buy the machines, but they're very expensive. I buy mine for $3 per gallon from the Herb Shop in Orem, UT. Deb Dowdle

Kangen Water 

The human body needs both acids and alkalis to properly process foods, make repairs and generally remain in good working order. Ingesting too many acidic foods and beverages, most notably carbonated soft drinks, can lower the body's natural pH levels to dangerously acidic levels. By consuming alkaline or ionized waters such as Kangen water, a person could restore his or her body's proper pH level and perhaps even become more alkaline.

Kangen water and other ionized or alkaline water products are also said to have smaller molecules, which means they are more readily absorbed by the body. Ordinary tap water or unprocessed bottled waters have larger water molecules which tend to pass through the body without reaching individual cells. Without proper re-hydration, these cells can suffer from a form of cellular dehydration and either die too soon or fail to function efficiently. Kangen water is believed to have the ability to rehydrate these cells before they essentially dry out.

The benefits of Kangen water are numerous:

  • Promotes healthy weight loss.
  • Boost body's immunity against disease.
  • Increases absorption of important vitamins and minerals

Even when you take your first delicious sip of Kangen water, you'll immediately notice the difference, and you'll wonder how you ever drank anything else! Kangen means "return to origin," and that's exactly what this water does! It helps the body fight and remedy conditions like:

  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Hot Flashes
  • Joint Pain
  • Migraines
  • Prostate Problems
By using Kangen water on a regular basis, you can return your body back to its original healthy balanced state. 

Clear Skin and Green Smoothies

I found these recipes on the Green Smoothie Blog. I'm always looking for new ways to do my green smoothies. Try these and let me know what you think.


Skin Food Recipe

· One handful kale
· One cup pineapple
· One banana (frozen is great, please peel before freezing)
· One cup coconut water

After Workout Orange Smoothie

  • 2 oranges or tangerines
  • 1-2 stalks of celery
  • 1 small or 1/2 large cucumber peeled
  • Handful spinach, chard or other greens
  • Couple of broccoli florets
  • 2 cups water, or to desired consistency
  • Ice (optional)

Blueberry Smash Recipe

  • 100g baby English spinach
  • 3 small bananas
  • 300g blueberries
  • raw honey
  • splash vanilla extract

Sugar Buster Smoothie

  • 1 ounce Aloe Vera Juice (or 2 tablespoons fresh gel from leaf)
  • 1 cup Purified Water or Unsweetened Nut Milk
  • 1 Avocado
  • 3 diced Jerusalem Artichokes
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Nopal pad, diced
  • 2 tablespoons cup Ground Flax or Hemp Seeds
  • 2 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon Coriander

Lemon Aid Ginger Smoothie

  • 3 tablespoons – ½ cup Lemon or Lime Juice (add more if you like extra pucker power)
  • 1 cup Unsweetened Hemp Milk
  • 1 Avocado
  • ½ teaspoon Fresh Ginger Root (¼ teaspoon dried)
  • 1 Sweet Orange Pepper, diced
  • 1 Sweet Red Pepper, diced
  • 1 handful Fenugreek Sprouts
  • 1 Nopal Pad, diced
  • Stevia to taste

Mega-Green Smoothie

  • ¼ cup Spirulina Powder
  • 1 handful Fenugreek Sprouts
  • 1 Avocado
  • 1 oz Aloe Vera Juice (or 2 tablespoons fresh gel from leaf)
  • 1 cup Purified Water
  • 4 Jerusalem Artichoke Bulbs, diced
  • 2 Nopal pads, diced
  • 1 Cucumber

  • DSCN0040.JPG.jpg

Recipe for Introducing Green Smoothies to Toddlers

  • One bunch kale
  • One cup red grapes
  • One frozen banana
  • One medjool date
  • One cup water

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Banana - Chocolate - Cashew - Green Smoothie! So good!

Give your daily smoothie routine a new twist with this dessert-like green smoothie recipe! 

This morning, we wanted to try a new green smoothie and I came up with this amazing  one .... tastes like more of a desert than a meal!

2 frozen bananas
I pear

1/2 leaf chard
1 leaf dandelion
1 leaf kale
1/2 avocado

1/2 cup soaked raw cashews

1 cup almond milk
1 cup soy milk
1 cup filtered water


Add Powders
2 T chocolate nutrition powder (your favorite)
2 T whey powder (your favorite)
1 t flax powder
1 cup ice

MIX AGAIN IN BLENDER UNTIL SMOOTH -- WILL BE THICK LIKE A MILK SHAKE. Add more liquid if you want it thinner. Serves 3-4 people.

My little Cody (4 years old) drank a full cup of this smoothie for breakfast this morning ... and then wanted MORE! My husband thought he was getting a milk shake (green of course) for breakfast and was very clear that he was fine with the idea. He took more for a snack later. 

A great nutrition success for Mom ... and the whole family!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Raw Recipe
"Whipped Cream" 
to be used for dipping fruits or for fruit salads:

I've been looking for a good raw cream for fruit. No, I haven't tried it yet but I plan too and will let you know what I think. It surely looks good ... 

1 young coconut, water and meat

1 C. raw cashews

½ C. agave or honey

1 t. vanilla

¼- ½ t. almond extract

Open top of young coconut, strain out water and reserve 1 C.

Scoop out meat and blend well with 1 C. of reserved coconut water.

Add rest of ingredients and blend well. Let set over night so it will thicken naturally. Particularly good over a bowl of mixed berries.  Also great to dip sliced apples.