Tuesday, February 3, 2009

By Deb Dowdle

In my experience with improving my own health, the most effective thing I have done to date is to get intense hydrotherapy and homeopathic consultation. It has changed my life for the better. I started my healing process in October of 2008 after failed attempts in the medical industry. I did have a tumor removed which was helpful. But as far as healing goes, I was left on my own to figure it out. And figure it out I did! Now, February 2009, I am doing great. I avoided a second surgery and rigorous drug therapy by doing a full detox program and moving to a strict diet. It has improved my life dramatically. Believe me, it was not easy. IT IS HARD to change a person's habits of many years. But the alternative is so much worse. It's funny how we finally do what we know we should when our health -- or life -- is at stake.   

I am placing some text from Elizabeth King's website below. She is the hydrotherapist I have been working with. Quite a few of my friends have also worked with her and they've had wonderful results as well. They'll all agree that it's not easy. But I challenge you to find one person who hasn't found great benefit in the process.

The Colon Cleanse

The person on a typical Western Diet holds 8 meals of undigested food and waste material in the colon. Many people are under the impression that they only need to have one bowel movement a week or less. Bowel disease, constipation, colon cancer, and stomach pain are all disorders that are leading to what is called the "Silent Killer in America." What people don't realize is that a toxic body shows itself in many other ways too. Everything from back pain, hemorrhoids, and ulcers to skin conditions, diarrhea, bad breath and sinus congestion.

Colon health and colon problems are the most overlooked health problems in today's society. Due to the poor diet in America, 200  million people suffer from constipation and do not have the required two to three bowel movements daily. The average person, by the time they are 30 years old, in America, has been 10 to 15 pounds of hard compacted fecal matter in their bowel. Often times much of this matter is over 10 years old.

This is a toxic body.

There is a natural solution to a body full of stored toxins. Colon Hydrotherapy cleanses the colon by breaking down toxic material and removing it. The liver, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder, lungs, lymph, blood and skin are also cleansed. The results are immediate and healing can begin.


Cleansing, Healing & Nutrition

14777 South Chandlerpoint Way
Draper, Utah 84020


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